Monday, April 10, 2017

i don't want to be the fat friend...

I have a friend who is fit. Like really fit.  Runs miles upon miles just to warm up to her workout.  She shouldn't even be a member of Planet Fitness, and quite frankly I'm impressed that they haven't revoked her membership for being a lunk.  
Anyway, we're taking a girls weekend in San Francisco in a couple of months.  Now, here's the thing about San Francisco: it's chilly there.  Which means there's no chance that I'll have to wear shorts, a bathing suit or anything figure revealing.  This is great.  Had she said, "let's go to Miami!", I'd have said, "HELLZ NO!".  But I've been to SF in June.  It's hoody weather chilly. 
But this trip has motivated me to work out.  why?  Because I don't want to be her fat friend in the pictures.